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Journal of Swine Health and Production

Order Form

Please enter my subscription to the Journal of Swine Health and Production for the 2025 calendar year. I understand my subscription will include all of the 2025 issues, January-February 2025 through November-December 2025 (6 issues total). My issues will be delivered by airmail if my delivery address is outside the U.S.

Note that a subscription to the Journal of Swine Health and Production is a benefit of membership in the AASV; members do not need to complete this form to receive the Journal.

If you prefer to print and mail your subscription request, a PDF is available here.

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Subscription information

Subscription type:
Subscription price:
After entering your country, please check that the correct total is shown; you might need to click Recalculate.
  • $165 (U.S. funds) per calendar-year subscription (6 issues) to all delivery addresses in the U.S., Canada, & Mexico.
  • $200 (U.S. funds) per calendar-year subscription (6 issues) to all delivery addresses outside North America.

Contact / Membership information (“Ship to”)

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Last: Jr, III:
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The total due is subject to review by AASV staff and availability of requested product/service(s). You will be notified if your request cannot be fulfilled.

Your payment will be processed securely by Nelnet Payment Services (privacy policy). Payment will be drawn in U.S. dollars.

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